Advanced Guidance

Environment Variables Management in Next-DRF

Managing environment variables is a crucial aspect of deploying and maintaining a Next-DRF project, as they help secure sensitive data like API keys, database credentials, and configuration settings. This guide explains how to set up and manage environment variables effectively for both the Next.js frontend and Django Rest Framework (DRF) backend.

1. Setting Up Environment Variables

Environment variables allow your application to have different configurations for development, testing, and production environments. These variables should be stored securely to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

1.1 Creating a .env File

  • Create a .env file in the root directory of your project to store environment variables.
  • This .env file will contain key-value pairs for configuration settings that can be used by both the frontend and backend.

Example .env File:

# Shared Variables

# Frontend Specific

# Backend Specific

1.2 Security Considerations

  • Never Commit .env Files: Add .env to .gitignore to ensure sensitive information is not committed to version control.
  • Environment-Specific Files: Create environment-specific .env files like .env.development, .env.production to differentiate between different environments.
  • Access Control: Limit access to the .env files to only trusted developers.

2. Loading Environment Variables

2.1 Frontend (Next.js)

For the Next.js frontend, you can use the dotenv package to load environment variables. By convention, only variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ are accessible in the browser to prevent exposure of sensitive data.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install dotenv: Install the dotenv package to load environment variables.

    npm install dotenv
  2. Configure in next.config.js: Load the .env file in your Next.js configuration.

    // next.config.js
    const dotenv = require("dotenv");
    dotenv.config({ path: "../.env" }); // Load .env from the project root
    module.exports = {
      env: {
  3. Access Environment Variables: Use process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_* to access environment variables in your components.

    const apiUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL;
    console.log(`API URL: ${apiUrl}`);

2.2 Backend (Django Rest Framework)

For the DRF backend, you can use the python-decouple library to load environment variables. This ensures sensitive information like secret keys and database credentials are managed securely.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install python-decouple: Install the python-decouple library.

    pip install python-decouple
  2. Update Update the Django settings file to use the environment variables.

    from decouple import config
    SECRET_KEY = config("SECRET_KEY", default="fallback-secret")
    DEBUG = config("DEBUG", default=False, cast=bool)
    # Example usage for API base URL
    API_BASE_URL = config("API_BASE_URL", default="")
  3. Database Configuration: Use dj-database-url to parse the DATABASE_URL from the .env file.

    pip install dj-database-url
    import dj_database_url
        'default': dj_database_url.parse(config('DATABASE_URL'))

3. Managing Environment Variables in Deployment

3.1 Deployment Platforms

When deploying your Next-DRF project, you need to securely manage environment variables on the deployment platform.

3.1.1 Vercel (Next.js Frontend)

  • Go to your project settings on Vercel.
  • Add environment variables in the Environment Variables section for each deployment environment (development, preview, production).

3.1.2 Heroku (DRF Backend)

  • Use the Heroku CLI to set environment variables securely.
    heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=your-secret-key DATABASE_URL=your-database-url
  • Alternatively, add environment variables in the Heroku dashboard under Settings > Config Vars.

3.1.3 AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  • Use the AWS Console to add environment variables under Configuration > Software > Environment properties.

3.2 Shared Environment Variables

If you need to share environment variables between both the frontend and backend, ensure that only non-sensitive information is shared.

  • Frontend: Use variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ to make them accessible in the browser.
  • Backend: Use sensitive keys like SECRET_KEY and DATABASE_URL only in the backend to ensure they are kept secure.

4. Best Practices for Environment Variables

4.1 Use a Secret Management Tool

For production, consider using a secret management tool like AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or HashiCorp Vault to securely store and manage sensitive environment variables.

4.2 Different Files for Different Environments

  • Use separate .env files for development, staging, and production environments.
  • Load the correct .env file based on the environment:
    • Next.js: Use NODE_ENV to determine the environment (.env.development, .env.production).
    • Django: Use DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to load different settings.

4.3 Automate Environment Setup

  • Use scripts to automate setting up environment variables during the deployment process. For example, create a shell script to populate environment variables from a secure source.

4.4 Limit Access to Sensitive Variables

  • Restrict access to environment variables to only trusted personnel.
  • Ensure that sensitive variables are not exposed in any client-side code or error logs.


Managing environment variables in a Next-DRF project ensures that sensitive data like API keys and database credentials are kept secure across different environments. By using tools like dotenv for the frontend and python-decouple for the backend, developers can load these variables safely and manage them effectively during development and deployment.

Following best practices, such as using secret management tools, having separate files for different environments, and automating environment setup, will help you keep your project secure and maintain consistency across various deployment scenarios.

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